There are a lot of things I would like to accomplish. These things have changed over the years. When I started my goal book in 2012, my highest priorities were seeing my Mary Kay business take off and finding someone to share my life with. Today, my list includes losing weight and finding success as a woman in the financial planning profession. Things that I want to accomplish but haven’t even put on the list yet: learn Spanish fluently, mentor someone, be a teacher, see Hawaii, write a book and retire early. There are so many things I want to do and accomplish and without a plan or set of goals it is almost impossible to succeed. I have found that my goal book helps me to keep my goals at the forefront of my mind and motivates me to mark things off.
My goal book is a sketch journal that I turned into a vision book versus a vision board. I have collages and photos that keep the book interesting and some journaling to break down bigger goals and track progress. Breaking down my bigger goals into monthly goals helps with small wins that keep me motivated. Plus, I have a goals planner that I can coordinate with to make sure I am keeping goals top of mind and making small efforts daily to accomplish my goals. I’ll admit it does take some effort and planning, but I have accomplished some big things with this method (Ex. CFP®).
2025 looks like it is going to be another big year. I have many professional and personal goals that I would like to work on. Professionally, I need one last license to be a fully licensed financial advisor. My goal for that is to be completed by February 2025. I also joined a women’s networking group and have joined as a leader to lead networking lunches for other professional women. I look forward to working with this new group of ladies and learning from them. Personally, I want to lose weight, read to the kids more and blog monthly at A Mess of a Mom. I also want to read one non-fiction book monthly to keep my learning on point.
I have plenty to work on but there always seems that things change, and some goals become less of a priority or fall off all together. In 2021 I was really into working on my book about motherhood, but as professional goals took over my time, the book has fallen to the wayside. I haven’t given up on it, but it’s just not a priority now. Also, some goals are accomplished and come off the list like getting my Certified Financial Planner designation. Some goals just stay on the list year after year, like losing weight or meal planning. These 2 goals need to be broken down into smaller steps because I obviously have not been working on those like some of my other goals. I really do think that 2025 is the year of health though. Both Jim and I need to take better care of ourselves for the kids and with them as motivation we are bound to be healthier by next year.
I am curious. What are your goals? What are things that you would like to accomplish in the new year? How do you stay motivated?