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Silat Harimau is a style of silat style that was developed in Minangkabau culture, in West Sumatra, Indonesia. It was developed by Datuk Suri Diarjo, a Minangkabau king who lived in the 12th century. Datuk Suri Diarjo is considered the father of silat Harimau in Indonesia. At the time, the younger generation of Datuk Suri Diarjo's people were also trained with this style of silat. Datuk Suri Diarjo's people also have a special method of training that improves the speed and strength of the fighters. This special training method is called Taktir Pencak (Silat: Taktir Puluh / Taktir enam puluh). This style of training has been passed down from generation to generation until it was popularised by the late Datuk Suri Mencengah.[4]
In the past, the Minangkabau people from West Sumatra played silat. These movements were developed with the aim to use the movements of wild animals such as tigers, as the silat movements seemed to resemble a tiger's movements. In this regard, the silat movements of the Minangkabau people were considered to be similar to the silat movements of wild animals, such as tigers. The Minangkabau people in West Sumatra also believed that Silat Harimau is a sport that puts the fighter's body and mind in a state of perfect training. Like other forms of silat, the silat Harimau movements also aim to protect the fighter's body. It is also said that every movement of this art should be used to protect the fighter's body. Without the power of the body, the fighter could not be victorious, and the fighters were never defeated in a real fight. Silat Harimau is a sport that ensures that the fighters' bodies are healthy. It is also said that the best fighter is the one who has the strongest body, and the best fighter is also the one who has the best mind.[4]
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