IMovie 10.1.9 ((HOT))
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This version of imovie for mac allows you to add multiple video tracks. This feature allows users to add three to four videos on the timeline at once. You can also create a video playlist and add more than 10 videos to it. You may also convert the order of the videos in the timeline. It also allows you to drag the videos from the video browser into the timeline and arrange them on the timeline.
Apple iMovie allows the user to share their media files on the web and on social networks. It is also possible to share your videos by uploading them to the YouTube directly from imovie. You may also burn the movies to DVD with the help of imovie for mac.
The video player in Apple imovie helps you to browse the footage that you have produced using imovie for mac. It is easy to export or burn your created footage to a DVD. With the help of iTunes, you may even share the footage on Facebook, Twitter or to other devices. You may also sync the imovie with your iPod or create an ipod ringtone. You may also modify your video and sort objects into the film timeline using the timeline tool. It helps you to create visual storyboard in the timeline and add titles and effects to it.
Apple iMovie team has re-designed to make the video editing experience more enjoyable and smooth. It has lots of interface design changes and new features. The user-friendly editing tools and easy-to-use interface make it simple for users to create professional looking videos and Hollywood-style trailers. The new feature “Smart Match” helps users to make a seamless transition from one video to another in the timeline by automatically syncing them based on the time. It helps the user to connect videos that are cut in the timeline.
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